Lately, I've been sleeping poorly. Due to that I've been very tired during the day and unable to do what I would have liked to do.
Jyrki, my ex-husband, came on Sunday to fetch his remaining stuff from my home. But like always he left something behind. It's as if he would want to come again and again even though he made it pretty clear that he hates being here and seeing me.
During the whole time he was here he was very angry. When I asked him why he's so angry all the time he responded that coming here wasn't very easy. He said it so that he wanted me to know that seeing me makes him angry.
His brother Lauri came to help him carry the stuff to their van. He was behaving nicely, talking with me and telling how his family were and how they anticipated the trip to Japan. He's quite shy and so he was also this time a bit on his toes and wary of not making his brother angry. I sensed that all the time he was probing his brother and seeking signs that whether or not he should stop speaking with me and when he crossed the line. It was very obvious that Jyrki would have liked Lauri to keep quiet and not socialize with me. Jyrki would have wanted Lauri to act coldly with me.

I didn't like Jyrki's behaviour and I was a bit angry with him. It was so strange he being angry because it was him that took the divorce, him that treated me badly, it was him that was abusing me both physically and mentally - so it should have been me being angry and not him. Again he was being very self centered and selfish thinking only about himself. He truly is an egoist.
I'm wondering about their family, because Jyrki is the one controlling others - and the others do as he says - especially his oldest brother Lauri. His other brother Jussi is more on his own and not caring obeying Jyrki all the time. There are some things that Lauri can decide but those areas are clearly given him by Jyrki. It's really no wonder why Jyrki tried to control me and push me around and got very angry if I didn't do as he said.
Though I'm annoyed that again I must build a new relationship with somebody and start all over again - I still feel that this maybe was better solution than to continue. 
Jyrki has revealed himself to be selfish, self centered, bending the truth and lying, abusive, opressive, greedy with money, evil, sadistic, secretive, withdrawing, running away from problems instead of trying to solve them, so I have started to feel that I have made a lucky escape from a lifetime of trouble.

Jyrki's love towards women is not very strong. Himself and money comes first, then his reputation, then his free time, then his brothers, then his stuff he owns and perhaps then comes his spouse.
He was disappointed with me. I fell off from the high dais he had put me on. He thinks there only exists black and white. He doesn't know about forgiveness, neither does he know how to compromise, to share, to give, to truly love somebody.
I should have known by the way he dumped Sari - his ex-wife. But with me he has been far worse than with Sari. Much worse.
I have been really wondering why he's so nasty with me - but I have not found a solution.

I have thought a lot why Jyrki has been treating me so badly, why he hates me so much, why he's so nasty and abusive - and most of all, why he behaves as a lunatic without any reason or sense, and  why does he treat me so badly claiming that I have treated him badly. He has claimed that he's only responding to bad treatment and defending himself from me. I have not found a reason why he behaves as if he has lost his mind and reason. No sound person would do as he has done.

But now I got an idea.

He loved me very much and thought me to be above others. He thought me to be beyond reproach. He believed when I said I had a message from spiritworld or when I saw some dreams or visions. He believed my larger picture of every situation and was willing to correct his behaviour accordingly. But his view of me  was too high rated - like a dream and it was bound to be broken.
He had a skewed vision about love and we had to face very difficult problems - far worse than what he had with his previous wife Sari. I think those together caused this problem. That's why he's so terrible towards me. He's disappointed with me and that has hurt him very badly. He has turned that disappointment to anger towards me because he thinks and feels that I would have hurt him deliberately.
He doesn't understand that it was not deliberately done. I didn't plan on deceiving him or disappointing him. 

Jyrki doesn't understand that his feelings and interpretation of the situation are not the truth. The fact that I wasn't what he had thought me to be is unfortunate. But I can do nothing to it. I started to have needs, I wasn't totally independent, I had fears, I needed support, I needed help and suddenly he was tied to me. That was a disappointment to him. But in his mind he turned that so, that I deliberately lied to him. He turned that to be an active mistreatment.
Same happened with my health. When I needed more help and couldn't do as much as before, it was really difficult for him to watch his loved one to suffer. But again he turned that in his mind so that I ordered him around that I suppressed him and used him.

Everything he felt, everything bad that he had to confront and go through, he turned as an active act of malice towards him.

That's the secret line of thought that he has. With that thought in mind I can now understand why he hates me so much and why he accuses me so much about everything.
Why he thinks  like that, I don't know. May be it has something to do with his childhood, adolescence or previous relationships. I don't know.
I only know that, that I the only reasonable explanation to his behaviour and why he accuses me so fervently.
I don't know how bad that "the world and especially my spouse and closest people are against me"- thinking has gone but it seems that it's pretty bad. He has drowned into his own malice and his own evil thinking and his fears.

I think that he even thinks that our whole relationship was planned by me only that I would have benefited from him. He has accused me of being with him only because of his money. He has accused me like some ex-friends did that I only needed someone to take care of me and to provide me with everything and that I was after his money. He even accused me like Sari that I had enchanted him so that he lost his reason and I put a spell on him that he would fall for me. He accused me that I only wanted him to take care of me and I wanted to benefit from his money. He accused me that I didn't love him, that I only took him because of his money.
He doesn't even realize that he made it very clear that I didn't have any enjoyments from his money. He made sure that I didn't receive any part of his money that he himself was the only one that enjoyed his money. He didn't help me when I didn't have any money. He didn't buy kitchen appliences, nor did he pay our trips to abroad. He even was angry when due to a mishap in car rental company they didn't charge my credit card and I didn't have to pay the part we had agreed that I would pay. He was so clear that I should pay my part and he his, but when I got lucky he started to demand a part of it to himself. He didn't want to share the money but he wanted to share the benefit that I had. So greedy.
Jyrki did all he could in order to keep me from benefiting from his money. He even said that he was disgusted that I had the benefit of living in a more spacious home that I would have lived in without him!
I just ask that would any normal husband think as badly as Jyrki did? That his wife didn't deserve to live in their home because it was partly paid by him? That's sick thinking.

Jyrki is blind to his own insane behaviour and his insane thinking. I wonder how he can be so blind?

For once I want to write to him and tell what I really think of him and his behaviour and about our relationship and the situation now. For once I want to say exactly what I think and not soften it like I have always done so that he wouldn't get upset or angry. All previous messages I have transformed into neutral tone so that there wouldn't be anything blaming him so that he wouldn't become angry. But now I want to say to him what I really think of him. Now I don't have to be afraid about him getting angry or raging about. His rage is belonging to the past and it doesn't touch me anymore. I feel that now is my time to say the truth to him and not making pretty but to say as things are. Only that way there is even a slight chance that he would think about what I have written and maybe he would start thinking his behaviour and thinking processes anew. That is the only way even to try to change his thinking about matters, about me, about life in general, about relationships and how he behaves in various situations and with various people.
Jyrki really thinks that he has been just and only reacted to my treating him badly. He doesn't see the truth. He thinks that I have mistreated him and done wrong. He can't stand any criticism towards himself nor any problems. If he started to talk to me about what he was thinking and feeling he was in fact scolding me about bad behaviour and he was accusing me of everything. He didn't tell what he was feeling nor what he was thinking it turned very quickly to accusing me and calling me names. And that he thought was telling about his feelings and thoughts. It was nothing but accusing me, calling me names.
After couple of words he started to shout and released his rage towards me and getting angry about the things he said and about what he was trying to tell about my behaviour. If I started to comment on his yelling or what he said, or if I only said that something wasn't true, he got even angrier and started to shout that again I was interrupting him and that he never had the chance of telling what he was thinking or feeling because I always interrupted his speech. And he also accused me of not appreciating him or not valueing his thoughts and that it was always about me and that I always turned the subject to myself. He also said that I shouted so much that he never could say what he wanted. He didn't realize himself that he kept long monologues that could last half an hour and it was my way of participating when I included small comments during his speech. For it was not a discussion but a speech, a monologue and it's contents always accusing me and calling me names, degrading my self confidence and my value as a human being.
When I then tried to coax him to continue his telling, he refused,  and he then acted as if that was a punishment to me for not listening to him and interrupting him. As if it was my privilege to listen to him shouting at me accusing me of everything and blaming me and calling me names. I think that reflects of how self centered he is. How can anyone think that it would be pleasant to listen to someone shouting, blaming, calling names!

I really think that Jyrki doesn't understand how self centered and selfish he is. He must think it normal.
It really strikes me that he thinks that every clever person would think like he does, come to same conclusions, value same things in life and prioritize like him and act like him, feel like him. He is like a child who can't make a difference between himself and others. He's like a child who thinks that everyone knows what he knows and thinks like he and feels like him. He really doesn't allow any differences in opinion, in priorities, in choices or in selecting what to do. He mother always asks him what to do and how to act and what to feel and then goes with it. She obeys him in everything and acts as if he knew everything and was always right. His mother would ask what he would do and the she does likewise. She doesn't have an opinion. Except about the length of her visits and where to sleep.

I think that my mother was right in one thing concerning Jyrki. She said that Jyrki couldn't stand it that me being sick put him on a second place when thinking what we could do. My disease was always the factor that stipulated what we could do and when. That ripped him being in the center of everything, in the center of attention. He would have wanted to be the one getting all the attention, to be the one according whose wishes everything was done. But with my disease he came second and he couldn't stipulate what we should do and when. I think he just couldn't stand it that he wasn't the number one in our family. I think he hated it that I was in the center of attention when people where asking about my health and when we were planning to do something it was always I who had the last say. I think he would have wanted to be in the center of attention.
And of course he thougth it so that I did it deliberately. I think he twisted it in his mind so that he thought that I acted as if something was done because of my disease but actually it was just my way to make everybody do as I wanted.

His twisted mind and twisted thinking makes everything an active act of malice towards him. As if everybody and especially me wanted to hurt him, to use him, to suppress him, to order him about etc.. As if his spouse would want him to suffer.

I wonder what kind of example his parents were? But as I think back I remember that especially his father wanted to hurt his mother by mocking her and trying to do it so that she wouldn't notice that it was mockery. That is hurting spouse. And her mother would act as if nothing was wrong and as if she was not hurt. She on the other hand made kids her revenge and made small deeds that annoyed her spouse, Jyrki's father. She also pretended to be stupid and not to remember many things. And Jyrki's father would mock her about her faked innocence. She was faking a lot. So that must be the root about Jyrki believing that all women fake things and lie. And his father has given him the example that women must be mocked and suppressed.

I'm so sorry that during our first couple years together, Jyrki didn't see his family heritage and the destructive patterns that stipulate his behaviour. He doesn't see the connection between his behaviour and the patterns of his family behaviour and the role that each one played in his family. If he had opened his eyes to his behaviour and not wanting to be so blind, he could be very changed person right now and there perhaps wouldn't be any reason for divorce.  But he hasn't wanted to see the truth about himself nor does he want to see the truth about his family. Though to his defence I must say that when he was in Kuopio last summer visiting his mother, he saw some of the behaviournal patterns that were present. And somehow he saw something of it in himself. But that observation escaped from him mainly because he didn't want to see anything bad in himself. He thinks that he's all good and that he does only good. Oh boy, how wrong he is, and how I hope that his eyes would one day open to the truth!